What We Do

  • Review Development Permit Applications and provide feedback to the City

  • Analyze and map our community to identify what is important to our residents, how we can preserve our character and identity

  • Engage residents with workshops and information sessions

  • Work with City Planners to create a Local Area Plan


  • Good Neighbour Policy

  • Elbow Park Development Guidlines


The Development Committee has an obligation to provide oversight in a fair, responsive, transparent and consistent manner. We strive to develop strategies to evaluate applications for Development Permits under the policies set by the City of Calgary (through its long-term development plans, Land Use Bylaw and permitting process) and taking into consideration our community needs. We do not set policy on community issues like densification, secondary suites, safety or lot size but can help frame community guidance outlined in the EPRA Charter.

Development Permit Applications that are fully compliant with the contextual rules under the existing Bylaw are not circulated to the communities for review. You can however provide comments online by going to: developmentmap.calgary.ca and search for the address in question. The City has started to add drawings to this website as well, which can be downloaded for viewing. This was intended to provide for the efficient permitting of projects without roadblocks while still maintaining stable communities, although it sometimes has the unintended consequence of not filtering design issues that the EPRA would like to comment on.

Development Permit Applications that are discretionary are still circulated to the communities. The EPRA Development Committee receives these plans and will call a review meeting. Notices are delivered in neighbour’s mailboxes to notify them of the time and date of the review meeting.

Concerns and comments are discussed and the Development Committee will then send a response letter to the City File Manager.

  • Planning for the Future

  • Elbow Parks Caveats and Restrictive Covenants

  • Planning Links

  • Guide to Local Area Planning